Interactive and Batch Mode#

In our High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment, users can run jobs in two primary modes: Interactive and Batch. This page provides an in-depth guide to both, assisting users in selecting the appropriate mode for their specific tasks.

Interactive Mode#

Interactive mode allows users to run jobs that need immediate execution and feedback.

Getting Started with Interactive Mode#

To launch an interactive session, use the following command:

# Request an interactive session
srun --pty /bin/bash

This command allocates resources and gives you a shell prompt on the allocated node.

Interactive Mode Use Cases#

  • Development and Testing: Ideal for code development and testing.

  • Short Tasks: Best for tasks that require less time and immediate results.

See also

ADD LINK for More Examples and Guides for Interactive Mode

Batch Mode#

Batch mode enables users to write scripts that manage job execution, making it suitable for more complex or longer-running jobs.

Creating Batch Scripts#

A typical batch script includes directives for resource allocation, job names, and commands. Here is an example:

#SBATCH --job-name=my_job
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00

# Commands to execute
module load my_program
srun my_program.exe

Save this script with a .sh extension, e.g.,

Submitting Batch Jobs#

You can submit your batch script using the sbatch command.


Monitoring Batch Jobs#

You can monitor the status of your batch job using the squeue command.

squeue -u username

Where username is your actual username.

Use Cases#

  • Long-Running Jobs: Suitable for extensive simulations or calculations.

  • Scheduled Tasks: Execute jobs at specific times or under certain conditions.

  • Automated Workflows: Manage complex workflows using multiple scripts.

See also

ADD LINK for More Examples and Guides for Batch Mode

Interactive and Batch modes cater to different needs and scenarios in the HPC environment. You can explore both modes to choose the one that best aligns with your tasks. For more detailed guides and support, please consult the above guides or contact our support team at

Happy computing!