Scratch Directory Purge

The space assigned to every user in /scratch/<username> is not meant for persistant storage and is purged every month by the Research Computing team. Files are not backed up in /scratch and as such important data or scripts need to be transfered quickly to /work or /home to be retained.


The /scratch space is intended to provide temporary storage for jobs that produce a lot of output, not all of which will be retained.

There are several things you can do to prepare for a purge of /scratch.

  1. Transfer any materials that you need to save to /work or /home.

Example using srun

srun --pty /bin/bash
mv /scratch/<username>/file_to_keep.out /home/<username>/

Example moving files via an sbatch script.

You will need to copy the script below to a text file (e.g., and submit it to the scheduler with the command sbatch


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=05:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=short
#SBATCH --job-name=moveit
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

# if statement to check if tar.gz file exists, delete the output path

mv /scratch/file_to_keep /work/<groupname>/myimportantdata
  1. On the day of the /scratch purge you will not be able to write job outputs to /scratch. Please edit your sbatch scripts to write outputs to /work or to /home.

  2. If you have jobs that continually write output to scratch and run for long periods of time, please make sure you are checkpointing. This will allow the resumption of your jobs around the /scratch purge.

  3. If you wish to retain entire directories that were generated in /scratch as part of a job output, you can tar the directory first and move the compressed file to your /home or /work. We recommmend only doing this if the directory will not be opened often as for large or many files taring and untaring can be time consuming.

# First get on a compute node
srun --pty /bin/bash

tar -czvf name_of_output.tar.gz /scratch/<username>/directory

mv /scratch/<username>/name_of_output.tar.gz /work/<groupname>/files_to_keep

The code above can also be run in an sbatch job.


Taring and compressing files can take time for large directories.

What happens during a purge of /scratch ?

Files and directories are removed during a /scratch purge. This saves space for the proper function of the filesystem for all users.

How do I know /scratch is usable again following the /scratch purge?

We will message via email when the scratch purge is finished. You can also check for updates on the Research Computing website. Additionaly, you can also check if the below commands work without error:

cd /scratch/<username>
touch test-scratch

My files are too big to transfer to /home

Home has a limit of 75GBs. If your usage in /scratch is greater than than for the files that you want to keep, please apply for a space in /work or if you are a student request that your PI applies for /work. Do this well in advance of the /scratch purge to ensure your files are saved.