Getting Help#

If you need help, you can contact the Research Computing (RC) team via email, ServiceNow ticket, or schedule an appointment through our Bookings page.


To contact the RC team, email us at This will generate a ticket in ServiceNow. Could you be sure to include details about your question or issue, including any commands or scripts you use so that we can direct you to the right person?

Submit a ticket#

To submit a ticket in ServiceNow, select from the RC ServiceNow catalog. You may need to sign in with your Northeastern username and password to view the catalog.

RC users can request services using our ticket system. You can go ahead and select the appropriate category below to access the online ticket.

Update Ticket#

To check for updates on a submitted ticket, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow account.

  2. Select “My Tickets” to access a list of all your active tickets.

  3. In the ticket list, you can view the latest updates made to each ticket.

In addition, you will receive an email notification from ServiceNow mentioning your incident number. You can directly access the ServiceNow portal to view the updates on your ticket by following these steps:

  1. Open the email and locate the incident number mentioned in the message.

  2. Select the incident number to redirect you to the ServiceNow portal.

  3. In the ServiceNow portal, you can see the updates made to your ticket.

Following these steps, you can easily track the progress and stay informed about any updates you submit.


The RC Team provides free online training sessions for cluster users and Northeastern Students interested in learning more.

If you’re new to Discovery, we strongly recommend watching the Discovery Introduction Video. You’ll need to sign in using your Northeastern username and password to view the video.

Recorded RC training sessions have been added to the Research Computing Training Course in Canvas. Once you have clicked the link to enroll, you must log in using your Northeastern credentials.

The training sessions cover a wide range of skill levels, from beginner to advanced, and offer you the opportunity to explore training sessions at your own pace in the areas that you’re most interested in (e.g., Linux and Shell Scripting, Slurm Arrays, Software Installation, GPUs, Bioinformatics, Deep Learning, and LAMMPs). You can perform hands-on training exercises by accessing RC files shared on GitHub repositories.

If you are a faculty member using Discovery with your class and would like us to develop or present a personalized training session for your class, please reach out to us at All Discovery users can also reach out with suggestions for future training topics!

Status Page#

We use the ITS Systems Status page to post important information, such as power outages and maintenance windows. You can subscribe to this page to receive email updates on the status of ITS systems.