Cluster via Command-Line#


Bash (Bourne Again SHell) is a popular shell and command-line interface. Specifically, a shell is an interface between the user and the underlying operating system, allowing users to interact with the system and perform tasks. Bash provides a range of features for running commands, managing files, navigating systems, and performing other tasks.

Bash (Bourne Again SHell) logo.

Bash commands perform various tasks within the shell environment. Commands span basic functionalities (e.g., ls, cd, cp, mv, and rm) to more advanced ones(e.g., grep and awk). We cover these commands and more in this tutorial. Bash can also be used in scripts, allowing users to automate tasks and perform more complex operations via loops, conditional logic, and defining functions, which we cover at the end of this page.

In summary, shell commands perform various tasks with the terminal.


The terminal - the command line interface (CLI) - is a text-based interface for interacting with an operating system. It is a way for users to interact with the system and perform tasks by typing commands and receiving text-based output.

In contrast to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the terminal provides a more direct and powerful way to interact with the system. Tasks requiring several steps in a GUI can often be accomplished much more quickly and efficiently in the terminal.

Terminal View.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, the terminal provides a powerful and versatile interface for interacting with your operating system. With some theory and practice, you can use the terminal to accomplish a wide range of tasks and take control of your system in new and powerful ways.

Various terminal options (i.e., flavors) are offered for different operating systems. Power Shell is available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Let us explore options and specifics for each operating system; Mac, Linux, and Windows terminals.


macOS comes with a default terminal program, but more advanced terminals are available; iTerm2 is one of the more popular choices.

To launch the terminal:

  1. Press Command(⌘) + Space on your Mac keyboard (alternatively, press F4)

  2. Type “Terminal”

  3. When you see Terminal in the Spotlight search list, click it to open the app.

iTerm2 can be installed via the terminal using Homebrew:

brew install --cask iterm2

If Homebrew is not already installed, run the following command in the terminal before installing iTerm2:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Linux also comes with a default terminal program, but more advanced terminals are available; Terminator is a popular choice.

To download Terminator, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T is the shortcut to do so). Next, execute the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install terminator


Windows users must install a terminal; you can visit Windows Apps and download the Windows Terminal directly from Microsoft (Download Windows Terminal).

Additionally, Mobaxterm, an enhanced terminal for Windows with an X11 server, tabbed SSH client, and network tools dubbed the ultimate toolbox for remote computing, is a great tool for connecting to the login node, exploring the Discovery file system, and transferring files. Check out their demo, software features, and download.

Bash Manuals#

The man command is used in the terminal to display manual pages for various tools and utilities. A manual or “man page” is detailed documentation for a specific command or utility that provides information about its usage, options, and examples.

To use the man command, simply type man followed by the command name or utility for which you want to view the manual page. For example, to view the manual page for the ls command, you would type the following:

man ls

The manual page will be displayed in a pager program such as less, which allows you to scroll through the text and search for specific information.

The man command is a valuable tool for learning about new commands and utilities, and it is an essential resource for understanding how to use the terminal effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, the man command provides the information you need to get the most out of your tools and utilities.

Basic Commands#


See _getting_access for instructions on creating a Discovery user account.

ssh - Connect to a remote machine using Secure Shell (SSH):

ssh <user-name>

Reference: ssh(1) manual page


The ~ character is shorthand for specifying the current user’s home directory, i.e., ~ is the same as $HOME.

echo - Display a message or the value of a variable.

echo "Hello, world!"
    Hello, world!


Variable names are accessible by appending their name to $ (e.g., ${VARIABLE_NAME}, where {} are optional but safer.)

pwd - Print the current working directory.



pwd is also stored as an environment variable, i.e., ${PWD}. Running echo ${PWD} prints the same output as pwd, but has the advantage of being accessed as part of a file pointer (e.g., ls ${PWD}/directory2 to print all contents of directory2 in the working directory.)

ls - List the contents of a directory.

file1.txt file2.txt directory1

cd - Change the current working directory.

cd ~/directory1

mkdir - Create a new directory.

 mkdir directory2
 file1.txt file2.txt directory1 directory2

rm - Remove a file or directory.

 rm file1.txt
 file2.txt directory1 directory2


To remove a directory, use rmdir if the folder is empty. Otherwise, recursively delete the directory and its contents via rm -r <FOLDER_PATH>.

cp - Copy a file or directory.

 cp file2.txt file3.txt
 file2.txt file3.txt directory1 directory2


Similar to removing, cp works for files; copying a folder and its contents must be done recursively via cp -r <FOLDER_PATH> <DESTINATION>.

mv - Move or rename a file or directory.

mv file2.txt file4.txt
file3.txt file4.txt directory1 directory2

cat - Concatenate and display the contents of one or more files.

cat file3.txt
This is the contents of file3.txt

grep - Search for a pattern in a file or input.

grep "the" file3.txt
This is the contents of file3.txt

sort - Sort the lines of a file or input.

sort file3.txt
This is the contents of file3.txt

uniq - Remove duplicates from a sorted file or input.

sort file3.txt | uniq
This is the contents of file3.txt

wc - Count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file or input.

 wc file3.txt
 1   4  26 file3.txt

head - Display the first lines of a file or input.

 head file3.txt
 This is the contents of file3.txt

tail - Display the last lines of a file or input.

tail file3.txt
This is the contents of file3.txt

less - View the contents of a file one page at a time.

less file3.txt

top - Show the currently running processes and system information.


To exit, press q.

ps - Show information about the currently running processes.



<pid> (PID) in the command should be replaced with the actual process ID of the process you want to terminate; the output of the kill command will typically be empty unless there is an error in executing the command.

It is essential to be cautious when using the kill command, as terminating a process can cause data loss or corruption. Therefore, before using kill, you should always try to gracefully stop the process by sending a termination signal, such as SIGTERM, first. If that does not work, you can try a stronger signal, such as SIGKILL.

kill - Terminate a process by its process ID:

kill <pid>

Advanced Commands#

In this section, we will provide examples of some helpful advanced commands, and then take a closer look at three essential advanced commands.

sed - Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.

cat file1.txt
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3

sed 's/line 1/Line 1/' file1.txt
This is Line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3

Reference: sed(1) manual page

gzip - Compress or decompress files.

gzip file1.txt
gunzip file1.txt.gz

Reference: gzip(1) manual page

tar - Create or extract compressed archive files.

tar cvf archive.tar file1.txt file2.txt
archive.tar file1.txt file2.txt
tar xvf archive.tar
file1.txt file2.txt

Reference: tar(1) manual page

Regular expressions:

grep -E '^[A-Z][a-z]+$' file1.txt

Parameter expansion:

name="John Doe"
echo ${name// /_}

Command line options:

ls -lh
total 8.0K
drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 4.0K Feb 14 13:29 directory1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   12 Feb 14 13:29 file1.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   14 Feb 14 13:29 file2.txt

Parameter substitution:

echo ${name:4:3}

Arithmetic operations:

echo $((2 + 2))

File tests:

if [ -f $file ]; then
>   echo "$file is a regular file"
> fi
file1.txt is a regular file

String tests:

 if [ "$string" == "hello" ]; then
 >   echo "The strings match"
 > fi
 The strings match

Command substitution with process substitution:

diff <(ls /path/to/dir1) <(ls /path/to/dir2)

The next few subsections provide more details on a few advanced bash tools that often come in handy.


The rsync command is a powerful and versatile file transfer utility commonly used to synchronize files and directories between different locations. It can transfer files over a network connection and run in various modes, including local and remote transfers and backup operations. One of the key benefits of using rsync is its ability to transfer only the differences between the source and destination files, which can significantly reduce the amount of data transfer time required. Additionally, rsync supports various advanced features, including the ability to perform incremental backups and preserve symbolic links, making it a popular tool for system administrators and other advanced users.


File transfers must be done using the transfer node on the Discovery, i.e., do not copy to or from the login node accessible via See Transfer Data for more information.

We have listed a few examples of rsync synchronizing files and directories between two locations, but many more options are available. Consult the rsync(1) manual page for more information on effectively using rsync.

Syncing a local directory to a remote server:

rsync -avz /local/path

Syncing a remote server to a local directory:

rsync -avz /local/path

Syncing a local directory to a remote server with compression:

rsync -avz --compress /local/path

Syncing a remote server to a local directory while preserving permissions:

rsync -avz --perms /local/path

Syncing only files that have been modified in the last hour:

rsync -avz --update --min-age=3600 /local/path

Syncing a local directory to a remote server while excluding certain files:

rsync -avz --exclude='*.log' /local/path

Syncing a remote server to a local directory while preserving symbolic links:

rsync -avz --links /local/path


find is a command line tool used to search for files and directories within a specified location. It starts at a specified directory and recursively searches through its subdirectories. The user can select a range of criteria to match (e.g., file name, size, modification time), and find will return a list of all files and directories that match the specified criteria. find provides a range of options for further processing the results, such as executing a command on each matching file, printing the results, or performing other operations. As a result, it is a versatile tool to search for specific files and to clean up old files.

Here are several advanced examples of using the find command to search for files and directories; see find(1) manual page for more information on how to use the command effectively.

To search for files and directories:

find /path/to/search -name "*.txt"

Finding files based on size

find /path/to/dir -size +10M

This will find all files in /path/to/dir that are larger than 10 MB.

Finding files based on modification time:

find /path/to/dir -mtime +7

This will find all files in /path/to/dir that have been modified more than 7 days ago.

Finding files based on type:

find /path/to/dir -type f

This will find all files in /path/to/dir that are regular files (not directories).

Finding files based on the name

find /path/to/dir -name "*.txt"

This will find all files in /path/to/dir with a .txt file extension.

Executing commands on matching files:

find /path/to/dir -name "*.txt" -exec chmod 644 {} \;

This will find all files in /path/to/dir with a .txt file extension and execute the chmod command on each file, changing its permissions to 644.


awk is a text-processing tool widely used for data extraction, report generation, and other text-related tasks. It operates by reading a file line-by-line and processing each line based on a set of rules defined by the user. The regulations specify the conditions under which certain actions are performed, such as printing specific fields, performing calculations, or modifying the text in some way. awk is particularly useful for processing tabular data, such as those found in CSV files, and extracting and manipulating data in various ways. Additionally, awk provides a rich set of string and numerical manipulation functions, making it a powerful tool for working with large data sets.

Below are a few examples of awk processing and manipulating text data, but there are many more options and features available. Consult the awk(1) manual page for more information on effectively using the tool.

We will use the sample file _resources/ to work through this section.

Download, or create and name a file as shown in the following block. Also, be sure to store it in the working directory.

cat awk-example.txt
John Doe 25
Jane Doe 30
Jim Smith 40
Sara Johnson 35
Michael Brown 29

This file contains a list of names and ages, with each line representing a different person and their age. The first column is the name, and the second column is the age. The columns are separated by a space.

This sample file can be used in the examples provided in the previous response to demonstrate the usage of awk command.

Print the entire contents of a file:

awk '{print}' awk-example.txt
John Doe 25
Jane Doe 30
Jim Smith 40
Sara Johnson 35
Michael Brown 29

Print specific columns from a tab-delimited file:

Assuming the file is not tab-delimited.#
awk -F "\t" '{print $2}' awk-example.txt

Sum a column of numbers:

awk '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}' awk-example.txt

Print only lines that match a pattern:

awk '/Doe/ {print}' awk-example.txt
John Doe 25
Jane Doe 30

Format the output:

awk '{printf "Name: %s, Age: %d\n", $1, $2}' awk-example.txt
Name: John Doe, Age: 25
Name: Jane Doe, Age: 30
Name: Jim Smith, Age: 40
Name: Sara Johnson, Age: 35
Name: Michael Brown, Age: 29
awk '/Sara/ {print "Sara found"}' awk-example.txt
Sara found

Printing the first field of each line in a file:

awk '{print $1}' awk-example.txt

Printing the second field of each line in a file, only if the first field is equal to a specific value:

awk '$2 == "Doe" {print $1}' awk-example.txt

Printing the sum of all numbers in the third field (Age) of a file:

awk '{sum+=$3} END {print sum}' awk-example.txt

Printing the average of all numbers in the fourth field of a file:

awk '{sum+=$3; count++} END {print sum/count}' awk-example.txt

Printing the line number and the line text for each line in a file that contains a specific word:

awk '/Doe/ {print NR, $0}' awk-example.txt
1 John Doe 25
2 Jane Doe 30

Printing the line number and the line text for each line in a file that starts with a specific string:

awk '$1 ~ /^J/ {print NR, $0}' awk-example.txt
1 John Doe 25
2 Jane Doe 30
3 Jim Smith 40

Printing the line number, the line text, and the length of each line in a file:

awk '{print NR, $0, length($0)}' awk-example.txt
1 John Doe 25 11
2 Jane Doe 30 11
3 Jim Smith 40 12
4 Sara Johnson 35 15
5 Michael Brown 29 16

Git configurations tips and tricks#

Git is a distributed version control system for software development and other collaborative projects that allows multiple users to work on a project simultaneously while keeping track of changes and enabling easy collaboration. With Git, users can commit their changes to a local repository and push them to a remote repository so that others can access and merge their changes into the main project. Git also provides a robust set of tools for managing branches, resolving conflicts, and performing other tasks related to version control.

Git provides a range of configuration options that allow users to customize their behavior to suit their needs, including setting the username and email, specifying a preferred text editor, and setting up aliases for frequently used commands. In addition, users can either configure Git globally, which will apply the configuration to all of their Git repositories, or configure locally, which will apply the configuration only to a specific repository. This flexibility allows users to work with Git in a way that suits their workflow.

Custom Configurations#

Below you will find a few examples of Git configuration options. See Git User Manual for more information on how to customize Git to your needs.

Setting your username and email

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Setting your preferred text editor

git config --global core.editor nano

Setting your preferred diff tool

git config --global diff.tool emacs
git config --global difftool.prompt false

Setting up aliases for frequently used Git commands

git config --global status
git config --global checkout
git config --global commit

Setting up a default push behavior:

git config --global push.default simple

Enabling colored output for Git commands:

git config --global color.ui true

Ignoring files globally across all your Git repositories as follows:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

Enabling automatic line wrapping in Git log output as follows:

git config --global log.autoWrap true

Text Editors#

There are a few popular text editors to create, view, and modify text files from a terminal: Emacs, Vim, and Nano. Here, we briefly describe these text editors, all of which are available by default on Discovery.


Emacs is a popular text editor that is widely used to program, write, and read text files. You should consult the Emacs Manual or online resources for more information on how to use the text editor effectively.

To start Emacs, open a terminal and type the following command:


Once open, the following table summarizes common keyboard shortcuts (i.e., commands) for working in the text editor.

Common Emacs Commands (C- -> hold Ctrl)#



Open file

C-x C-f

Save the file

C-x C-s

Close file

C-x C-w

Cut text


Paste text





C-x C-/

Search text


Quit Emacs


Moving cursor

C-x C-c

previous line


next line


forward character


backward character


For more commands, see Emacs Cheat Sheet.


Vim is a popular text editor that is widely used for programming, writing, and other text-related tasks. Consult the VIM Manual for more information on using the text editor effectively.

Vim starts in normal mode: a mode that allows for the navigation through the text and performs various operations (e.g., search), but in read-online mode (i.e., cannot edit text).

Open a terminal and type the following command:


To open an existing file, type the following command:

vim filename
Common Vim Commands#



Enter insert mode


Enter normal mode


Save the file


Close file


Cut text (from the front)


Cut text (from the end)


Paste text






Search text


Quit VIM


Moving cursor

C-x C-c









GNU Nano#

Nano is a simple, easy-to-use text editor commonly used in Unix-like operating systems. Consult the GNU Nano Manual or online resources for more information on how to use the text editor effectively.

Nano can launch one of two ways from a terminal: (1) to open to an empty, unnamed file, run:


To open a file by name, whether it already exists or needs to be created, run:

nano filename.txt

If the file does not exist, it will open an empty file that will persist upon saving.

Common Nano Commands#



Save the file

Ctrl + O

Close file

Ctrl + X

Cut text (from the front)

Alt + A

Cut text (from the end)

Ctrl + K

Paste text

Ctrl + U


Ctrl + T


Ctrl + Y

Search text

Ctrl + W

Quit Nano

Ctrl + X

Shell Scripting#

Shell scripts are a feature of Bash that allows you to automate tasks and perform complex operations. A shell script is a text file containing a series of bash commands that the shell can execute to perform a specific task.

Here is a simple example of a shell script that prints the message Hello, World! to the screen:


echo "Hello, World!"

Notice the line #!/bin/bash at the top of a shell script (i.e., the shebang line). This line specifies which shell interpreter will be used when running the script. In this case, line #!/bin/bash specifies that the script uses the bash shell.


The shebang line is the first line of the script and must start with the characters #!. The path that follows the shebang (/bin/bash in this case) specifies the location of the shell interpreter. In most cases, /bin/bash is the correct path for the bash shell.

First we must make the file executable to run this script. This is done as follows:

chmod +x

Then, run the script as follows:


This will print the message Hello, World! on the screen.

Shell scripts can do many tasks, including backups, system maintenance, and the commands covered in this tutorial. For example, you could create a script to automate the backup of your home directory by copying all of its files to a remote server. The script could include commands for compressing the files, copying them to the server, and logging the results.