Access to Multi-GPU Partition

The multigpu partition in the HPC cluster allows users extensive parallel processing on multiple GPUs. This setup is ideal for applications that require significant computational power, such as deep learning, scientific simulations, and large-scale data analysis.

Please follow these steps to apply for the Multi-GPU Partition.

Step 1 - Submitting the Access to MultiGPU Partition Request

  • Please use the partition application form here: HPC Partition Request

  • Select under “Partition Type” - Multigpu - Partition (Testing Access)

  • Fill in the number of GPUs and the type of GPU you’d like to test on. Please also provide a short description of your expected testing workload.


Please consider the following while requesting GPUs for testing:

  • Testing should represent your planned work but doesn’t need full production runs.

  • Use scaled-down versions of your jobs for timing data when possible.

  • Ensure your test cases cover a range of processor/GPU counts to measure scaling accurately.

  • Consider testing with different problem sizes to understand how scaling efficiency changes with workload.

  • If you need to use A100s in your workflow, consider testing your code on V100 GPUs:

    • V100 testing is often sufficient to demonstrate scaling.

    • If a job scales well on V100s, it will also scale on A100s.

    • This approach conserves A100 resources for all the users on the cluster.

    • Only use A100s for testing if your job requires their capabilities or memory that V100s cannot provide.

  • Submit the form.

  • The Research Computing team will need an estimate of the duration needed for testing (preferably less than 24 hrs.)

  • The Research Computing team will contact you with more details for accessing a multi-GPU node.

Step 2 - Testing the Code on the Temporary Reservation

  • To check your reservation

    scontrol show reservation=<reservation_name>
    #<reservation_name> will be in the details provided by the RC team.
  • To run an Interactive Job, for example, using V100-sxm2 with 4 GPUs, use the command below

srun -p reservation --reservation=<reservation_name> --gres=gpu:v100-sxm2:4 --time=24:00:00 -N 1 --pty /bin/bash


Your local machine must remain active for successful job execution. Be aware of the following risks:

  • Network disconnections have the potential to interrupt the job.

  • Computer sleep/hibernation can break the connection.

  • Losing RDP session (e.g., timeout, local reboot) stops GUI-dependent processes.

  • Power outages or system updates can cause unexpected disconnects.


  • Use a stable network connection.

  • Disable sleep mode on your local machine during testing.

  • Implement job checkpointing where possible.

  • Monitor job status regularly.

  • To run Non-interactive job, you can use the following command

    1- Create a script

    # You can use any text editor you prefer, not just nano. Choose the editor you're most comfortable with for modifying files. 

    2- Add reservation and job details

    #SBATCH --job-name=MyJob             # Job name
    #SBATCH -p reservation
    #SBATCH --reservation=<reservation_name>
    #SBATCH --gres=gpu:v100-sxm2:4
    #SBATCH --nodes=1                    # Number of nodes
    #SBATCH --ntasks=4                   # Number of tasks
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2            # Number of CPUs per task
    #SBATCH --mem=8G                     # Total CPU memory (not GPU memory)
    #SBATCH --time=02:00:00              # Time limit hh:mm:ss
    #SBATCH --output=output_%j.txt       # Standard output and error log
    #SBATCH --error=error_%j.txt         # Standard error log
    # Load any required modules
    # Run your program
    python #example
    # You can use the editor of your choice to edit and save the file on the cluster.
    # Following commands are for the editor 'Nano', and can be used to write this script to disk
    # Ctrl+x to save the file 
    # press 'Y' to save the changes
    # press enter to complete saving the file to the disk

    3- Submit the job


    4-You can monitor the status of your job using the squeue command:

    squeue -u <your_username>
    #To cancel a job
    scancel <job_id> # where <job_id> is the ID of the Job we are canceling
  • Perform testing on 1,2,..(4,8) GPUs. Record runtimes for each test (calculate efficiency).


This multi-GPU setup is intended for research workflows only. For course-related multi-GPU needs, please refer to the course request form. Instructors should submit those requests directly through the appropriate channels.

Step 3 - Post-Testing Application

  • Ensure your Scaling efficiency is adequate (generally over 0.5) when using the maximum GPUs selected on the multigpu partition⁠. If needed, please consult with the Research Computing (RC) team for guidance and support throughout the process⁠.

  • Re-enter the partition application form and select Multigpu - Partition (Post Testing) under “Partition Type.”

  • Please fill out the form with your test results and submit it.

  • After the RC team reviews and approves your application, you will be granted access to the multigpu partition.